Rohan Basu Roy
রোহন বসু রায়

Welcome to my webpage. I am a Ph.D. candidate at Northeastern University, Boston. I work with Professor Devesh Tiwari. I perform research on scheduling and optimizations in Cloud Computing and HPC, especially focussing on Serverless Computing. The tools and solutions from my work are largely open-sourced, and they have been reproduced multiple times by artifact evaluation committees or independently by other research groups. 

The goal of my research is to improve the productivity, cost-effectiveness and sustainability of HPC and cloud computing systems, in recognition of which I have received the 2023 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship, 2023 MLCommons ML and Systems Rising Star recognition, and other awards and recognitions from Northeastern University ECE department.

Apart from my laboratory, you will find me hanging out in concerts, listening or playing heavy metal music, and trying new food items.

I will start as an Assistant Professor in Kahlert School of Computing and SCI Institute at the University of Utah from Summer 2025. If you want to work with me, please contact me at:




Ph.D. in Computer Engineering
2019 - Present
Northeastern University, Boston, USA


B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering
2015 - 2019
Calcutta University, Kolkata, India


  • SC 2024 ECO-LIFE: High Performance and Carbon-Aware Serverless Workloads Scheduling via Multi-generation Hardware
  • Yankai Jiang, Rohan Basu Roy, Baolin Li, Devesh Tiwari. International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. [Paper][Code] 

  • SIGMETRICS 2024 StarShip: Mitigating I/O Bottlenecks in Serverless Computing for Scientific Workflows
  • Rohan Basu Roy, and Devesh Tiwari. International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems. [Paper][Code]

  • ASPLOS 2024 CodeCrunch: Improving Serverless Performance via Function Compression and Cost-Aware Warmup Location Optimization
  • Rohan Basu Roy, Tirthak Patel, Rohan Garg, and Devesh Tiwari. International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems Storage and Analysis. [Paper][Code]

  • ASPLOS 2024 RainbowCake: Mitigating Cold-starts in Serverless with Layer-wise Container Caching and Sharing
  • Hanfei Yu, Rohan Basu Roy, Christian Fontenot, Devesh Tiwari, Jian Li, Hong Zhang, Hao Wang, and Seung-Jong Park. International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems Storage and Analysis. [Paper][Code]

  • SC 2023 Toward Sustainable HPC: Carbon Footprint Estimation and Environmental Implications of HPC Systems
  • Baolin Li, Rohan Basu Roy, Daniel Wang, Siddharth Samsi, Vijay Gadepally, and Devesh Tiwari. International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. [Paper][Code]         

  • HPDC 2023 ProPack: Executing Concurrent Serverless Functions Faster and Cheaper.
  • Rohan Basu Roy, Tirthak Patel, Richmond Liew, Yadu Nand Babuji, Ryan Chard, and Devesh Tiwari.  International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing. [Paper][Code]   
  • SC 2022 DayDream: Executing Dynamic Scientific Workflows on Serverless Platforms with Hot Starts
  • Rohan Basu Roy, Tirthak Patel, and Devesh Tiwari. International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. [Paper][Code]                         

  • ASPLOS 2022 IceBreaker: Warming Serverless Functions Better with Heterogeneity
  • Rohan Basu Roy, Tirthak Patel, and Devesh Tiwari. International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems Storage and Analysis. [Paper][Code]

  • PPoPP 2022 MASHUP: Making Serverless Computing Useful for HPC Workflows
  • Rohan Basu Roy, Tirthak Patel, Vijay Gadepally, and Devesh Tiwari. International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. [Paper][Code]

  • HPCA 2022 AI-Enabling Workloads on Large-Scale GPU-Accelerated System: Characterization, Opportunities, and Implications
  • Baolin Li, Tirthak Patel, Sid Samsi, Vijay Gadepally, Rohin Arora, Rohan Basu Roy, Devesh Tiwari, et al. International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture. [Paper][Code]

  • IISWC 2021 Characterizing and Mitigating the I/O Scalability Challenges for Serverless Applications
  • Rohan Basu Roy, Tirthak Patel, and Devesh Tiwari. International Symposium on Workload Characterization. [Paper][Code]

  • ISCA 2021 SATORI: Efficient and Fair Resource Partitioning by Sacrificing Short-Term Benefits for Long-Term Gains
  • Rohan Basu Roy, and Devesh Tiwari. International Symposium on Computer Architecture. [Paper][Code]

  • PLDI 2021 BLISS: Auto-tuning Complex Applications Using a Pool of Diverse Lightweight Learning Models
  • Rohan Basu Roy, Tirthak Patel, Devesh Tiwari, and Vijay Gadepally. International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. [Paper][Code]

  • SC 2021 Ribbon: Cost-Effective and QoS-Aware Deep Learning Model Inference Using a Diverse Pool of Cloud Computing Instances 
  • Baolin Li, Rohan Basu Roy, Tirthak Patel, Vijay Gadepally, Karen Gettings, and Devesh Tiwari. International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. [Paper][Code]

  • HPCA 2021 Operating Liquid-Cooled Large-Scale Systems: Long-Term Monitoring, Reliability Analysis, and Efficiency Measures
  • Rohan Basu Roy, Tirthak Patel, Devesh Tiwari, Raj Kettimuthu, Paul Rich, Adam Scovel, and Bill Allcock. International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture. [Paper][Code]

  • SC 2020 Experimental Evaluation of NISQ Quantum Computers: Error Measurement, Characterization, and Implications
  • Tirthak Patel, Abhay Potharaju, Baolin Li, Rohan Basu Roy, and Devesh Tiwari. International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. [Paper][Code] (Best Paper Finalist, Best Student Paper Finalist)

  • ATC 2020 UREQA: Leveraging Operation-Aware Error Rates for Effective Quantum Circuit Mapping on NISQ-Era Quantum Computers
  • Tirthak Patel, Baolin Li, Rohan Basu Roy, and Devesh Tiwari. USENIX Annual Technical Conference. [Paper][Code]

  • CEC 2019 Design of a Computationally Economical Image Classifier using Generic Features
  • Rohan Basu Roy, Anisha Halder Roy, Amit Konar, and Atulya Nagar. Congress in Evolutionary Computation. [Paper][Code]

  • IJAMT 2020 Digital twin: current scenario and a case study on a manufacturing process
  • Rohan Basu Roy, Debasish Mishra, Surjya K Pal, Tapas Chakravarty, Satanik Panda, M Girish Chandra, Arpan Pal, Prateep Misra, Debashish Chakravarty, and Sudip Misra. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. [Paper][Code]

  • JMP 2018 A review on sensor based monitoring and control of friction stir welding process and a roadmap to Industry 4.0
  • Debasish Mishra, Rohan Basu Roy, Samik Dutta, Surjya K Pal, and Debashish Chakravarty. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. [Paper][Code]

  • IJAMT 2018 Weld defect identification in friction stir welding through optimized wavelet transformation of signals and validation through X-ray micro-CT scan
  • Rohan Basu Roy, Alekhya Ghosh, Soham Bhattacharyya, Raju P Mahto, Kanchan Kumari, Surjya K Pal, and Srikanta Pal. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. [Paper][Code]

Awards and Recognition

2023 ACM/IEEE-CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship

The ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship is endowed in memory of George Michael, one of the founders of the SC Conference series. The fellowship honors exceptional PhD students throughout the world whose research focus is on high performance computing applications, networking, storage, or large-scale data analytics using the most powerful computers that are currently available.

Awarded “for methods and tools that exploit cloud computing and on-premise HPC resources to enhance the productivity of computational scientists and the sustainability of HPC.”

Media: ACM Press Release, IEEE Press Release, HPCwire Press Release, Northeastern Global News

2023 MLCommons ML and Systems Rising Star

MLCommons Rising Stars is a cohort of 35 early-to-late-stage and recently graduated PhD students working at the intersection of Machine Learning (ML) and Systems research. The MLCommons Rising Stars program provides a unique platform for a diverse range of emerging researchers to present their research to industry and academic experts, build new skills, and establish academic and industry collaborations. 

Media: MLCommons Press Release

2023 Northeastern University ECE Excellence in Research Award and PhD Spotlight Recognition

Awarded annually to top four students in ECE in terms of highest research contributions.

Media: Northeastern University News


2022 Northeastern University Nominee for JP Morgan Ph.D. Fellowship (only two nominations allowed per university)
2022 Nominee for 2022 ECE Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award
2021 Northeastern University Nominee for Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowship (only four nominations allowed per university)
2021 Nominee for 2021 ECE Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award

Travel Grants

2023 Travel Award, Student Travel Award to attend MVAPICH User Group (MUG) Conference
2022 Travel Award, TCHPC Award to attend Supercomputing’ 22 Conference
2020 Travel Award, USENIX Award to attend USENIX FAST’ 20 Conference
2019 Travel Award, Calcutta University International Travel Scholarship


Cloud Based Remote Manufacturing with Machine Learning Based Real Time Control, Patent Reference Number: 201831024813, Filing Date: 03/07/18, Patent App. No. TEMP/E-1/27190/2018- KOL, C.B.R Number: 11387

Graduate Internship
Argonne National Lab (May 2023 - Aug 2023)

Developed tools to reduce the queue wait time of HPC systems by optimizing the scheduling algorithm. Deployed a PBS-based global scheduling simulator to enable users analyze accounting logs from different machines on ALCF systems -- Cooley and Polaris.
Media: Featured on ALCF News Article

Undergraduate Internship
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (May 2017- Apr 2018)

Worked on developing signal processing and machine learning-based solutions for remote monitoring and control of a manufacturing process -- friction stir welding (FSW). Developed a digital twin for health monitoring of different equipments associated with an FSW process.


Professional Services

  • PC Member
  • 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER)
  • 2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS)
  • 2023 Workshop on AI and Scientific Computing at Scale Using Flexible Computing Infrastructures (FlexScience, co-located with HPDC’23)

  • Journal Reviewer
  • 2024 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)
  • 2023 ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO)
  • 2023 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC)

  • Web Chair
  • 2024 IEEE 31st International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC)
  • 2023 IEEE 30th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC)

          Artifact Evaluation (AE) Committee Member

          2024 International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (Supercomputing)

          2023 International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)

          IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)

Invited Talks

"What to do when HPC FaaS problems stare in your face?"
Rohan Basu Roy. ParslFest 2023 - The Parsl Community Meeting. [Talk]

"Can Serverless Computing be Used for Quick Supercomputing?"
Rohan Basu Roy, and Devesh Tiwari. Combined International Workshop on Interactive
Urgent Supercomputing at SC 2022. [Talk]

"BLISS: Auto-tuning Complex Applications Using a Pool of Diverse Lightweight Learning Models"
Rohan Basu Roy, Tirthak Patel, and Devesh Tiwari. Google Brain Invited Talk in 2021. [Talk]

Teaching assistant for undergraduate Computer Architecture course -- EECE 3324 (FALL 2023) at Northeastern University, Boston. Taught classes for a module on sustainable computing. 


"Bayesian Optimization Methods for Computer Systems and Architecture Research" [Tutorial Website]
Rohan Basu Roy, Tirthak Patel, and Devesh Tiwari. IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization IISWC 2021.

2021 Northeastern University Young Scholar Program (YSP) to teach and motivate high school students in computer systems and architecture. [YSP Link]


Contact me to talk about computers or music

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